1、東柵當代東柵當代 東柵當代藝術中心成立于2006年,藝術藝術總面積6800平方米, 是中心中心以國際當代、先鋒實驗、關于原創學術為定位, 集藝術創作、簡述藝術交流、學術研討為一體的大型、專業、國際化藝術機構。
2、 Founded in 2006 as a non-profit organization, with a total area of 6,800 square meters, Dongzhart Contemporary Art Center is dedicated to be a professional and international art institution that foster artistic creation, exchange and learning. The mission is based on six words of International, Contemporary, Pioneering, Experimental, Original and Academic, to encourage the development and enjoyment of contemporary art for an international audience.